Created by: Jason Katims.
Starring: David Walton, Benjamin Stockham, Al Madrigal.

About A Boy, is the series adaptation of the About A Boy (2002) movie. It follows a bachelor, who once wrote a hit song, as he befriends his neighbour's 11 year old son.

Every once in awhile you need to take a break from all of those intense dramas like Mr Robot and Keeping Up With The Kardashians (please understand that that was a joke) and watch something that needs a little less attention and thought. Which is what most sitcoms offer.

This show is provides exactly that... whilst also providing comedy and a heart-warming script. About A Boy teaches us a lot about friendships and relationships. The perfect kind of show if you're into physcology and enjoy analysing people and their personality types.

The characters are all very sweet and loveable, although definitely strange and sometimes annoyingly quirky, it's hard not to like them. It's also adorable and heartwarming to see the dynamic between Will (David Walton) and the 11 year old.

It's a show that isn't for everyone. If you enjoy a mixture of mature humour and blunt comedy, then this might be a show for you. With a variety of characters, there's a little something for everyone in this show.

Whilst I wouldn't say About A Boy offers anything new or exciting, it is a great show to watch when you're passing time waiting for your face mask and nails to dry. It's probably for this reason that the show has been cancelled after it's second season.