Directed by: Luc Beson.
Staring: Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, Gary Oldman, Danny Aiello.
Leon: The Professional, is the story of Mathilda (Natalie Portman) who's entire nuclear family gets murdered in a police raid. Having lost everyone she knows, she finds a new life with neighbouring hit-man, Leon (Jean Reno). They teach other and help each other grow, as both people and cleaners.
It's been a while since I've seen a film that has made me want to create films again. Leon was unlike anything I've seen before, which made it so enjoyable and refreshing to watch. The story-line itself is completely unique and 20 years after it's initial release, it's aesthetic is still very appreciable.
So many aspects combine in this film to make it stand out and so different. The shot types being one. It's rare that I see a film lately that has a range of experimental shots, especially in films that actually have a story-line, such as Leon. It uses a range of close ups and wide shots that work extremely well, especially when conveying the emotions in the characters.

Perhaps, considering the time era the film was produced and the fact that it's based in New York City, is what makes the film so visually appealing. Everything in this film is so wonderfully thought-out it seems, the clothing, the locations, the furniture and the entire look. I couldn't flaw this if I tried. It definitely had a very, Wes Anderson, vibe but I feel like this is because of the beanie and glasses Leon wears, it's very reminiscent of characters in The Life Aquatic and the narrator in Moonrise Kingdom.
The film being essentially about murder and drugs, mostly murder, it is presented in an unusually and almost casually, optimistic way. Such dark subjects are portrayed in a light and witty way, it's makes it so much more attention grabbing and makes it view-able by a larger range of audience. What defines the 'light and witty' image, is the use of colours used. Again for a dark subject, much like Candy (2006), the director has used light, pale and pastel tones to create a more inviting atmosphere.
The acting in this is unreal. After learning the fact that Natalie Portman, was a mere 11 years old when playing Mathilda and that this was her first acting job, I was genuinely astounded. She has incredible talent and Jean Reno is equally as giving, in a more toned down way. The connection these two had on-screen, made the story so much more believable and personal.
Leon: The Professional, is one of the best films I've watched in a good couple of months, everything in it was carried out so well. It's definitely a film that a lot of people have already seen and I don't know why I put it off for so long however if you are like me, I highly suggest you watch this. It's very uplifting although does contain some quite heart-breaking scenes. If you liked Lolita, you will most likely, like this.
The film being essentially about murder and drugs, mostly murder, it is presented in an unusually and almost casually, optimistic way. Such dark subjects are portrayed in a light and witty way, it's makes it so much more attention grabbing and makes it view-able by a larger range of audience. What defines the 'light and witty' image, is the use of colours used. Again for a dark subject, much like Candy (2006), the director has used light, pale and pastel tones to create a more inviting atmosphere.
The acting in this is unreal. After learning the fact that Natalie Portman, was a mere 11 years old when playing Mathilda and that this was her first acting job, I was genuinely astounded. She has incredible talent and Jean Reno is equally as giving, in a more toned down way. The connection these two had on-screen, made the story so much more believable and personal.
Leon: The Professional, is one of the best films I've watched in a good couple of months, everything in it was carried out so well. It's definitely a film that a lot of people have already seen and I don't know why I put it off for so long however if you are like me, I highly suggest you watch this. It's very uplifting although does contain some quite heart-breaking scenes. If you liked Lolita, you will most likely, like this.