Artist: Jamie T.
Song: Don't You Find.
Release: 2014.
Jamie Treays, famously known as Jamie T, is all kinds of cool. Ever since one of my, man friends, introduced me to him one summer, he has been one of my all time favourite artists. From his albums and b-sides to his covers, everything he produces is unbearably good.
He went missing for about 4 years, with no contact except an occasional guitar cover uploaded onto Soundcloud. So, when at the start of this year photos of his name at studios and rumours of a new album started circling, I couldn't even contain my excitement.
Now, imagine you are me, being driven down a country road by your need-for-speed, man friend, as the sun is setting, listening to Zane Lowe interview some guy you're not really paying attention to... When he announces his 'hottest single of the week' is Jamie T (the guy he's been interviewing for the past 10 minuets of your life) and you have no idea what is going on and you're freaking out, checking Twitter to see if you heard what you think you just heard because the guy next to you has no real clue who you are on about. It is true. Jamie T is now playing. And it is amazing.
This song has been on non-stop, repeating for days. I cannot get enough. Not even just because it's Jamie T because it is genuinely so well made. The song is called 'Don't You Find', written about the usual love-life problems, thinking about someone you shouldn't be.
It's a very, almost, acoustic sounding track throughout. His vocals on this are on point. For a summer release, I was very happy to hear something toned down from the whole 'club music' kind of summer sound. It's a very 'jamming in a shed' track however it is also one that I can easily imagine being played in a bar.
It really isn't far off from his older stuff although it is nothing alike. You can almost hear his maturing through this song from what he used to make e.g. Shelia.
The only real downside for me on this song, is that is sounds too much like Imagine Dragons - Radioactive, I automatically think of it when I hear this song play. I feel like if you didn't previously know about Jamie T then you could easily mistake him for just another new indie artist.
The video for this track is also out and I love it. It's so reminiscent of a Skins scene for me and I've always associated the two with each other, so the video was kind of perfect for me. It was very minimalist and was just a chill vibe. The setting, I absolutely adored and it complimented the song completely. There is nothing I have to say about this video beside how flawless everything was. The colouring, the shots, setting, props, characters and the whole simplicity of it all.
In summary, Jamie T is back and he is going to be more amazing than ever. He fully is rocking that Alex Turner hairstyle and I'm really not sure how I feel about it. Don't You Find is an unreal song that could have been slightly better. If you haven't heard of Jamie T before, where have you been? I highly suggest listening to his older stuff before you look into this latest track (I advise Shelia and his version of Atlantic City).