Staring: Lena Dunham, Jemima Kirke, Allison Williams, Zosia Marnet, Adam Driver, Alex Karpovsky.
Girls, is a comedy-drama, based on the lives of 4 girls, in their early twenties, all trying to make it in New York.
The show was created, produced and directed by Lena Dunham, the writer, director and actress of indie film Tiny Furniture. Based on, some, events from her real life, this show has to be one of the most real and revolutionary programmes to hit the 21st century. Girls battles real life situations, in a raw way, unlike other more over-glamorised shows. The show tackles problems such as unemployment, depression, true love, sex, mental disorders, heartbreak, drug problems, abortion and the main point, feminism.
Girls is a show you can't help but feel strongly connected to. The way it's produced, feels as if you're a fly on the wall, spying into the lives of these people or as if you're just the one character that nobody notices but is in every scene. You feel as if you know the characters and have genuine interest in what is happening in their lives, especially with their problems being extremely relatable to your own.
The hit HBO show is really one of it's kind. It advocates female nudity, finally, and teaches girls to love their body. The characters are given new angles of character types, rather than common ones you always see in regular TV shows. It's a show that defines the modern, working/middle class, generation and is an accurate portrayal of what actually goes on in today's culture, that nobody otherwise talks about.

One of the main flaws in this programme, is the lack of diversity, as many have already noted. Besides the one cameo from Donald Glover (Childish Gambino/Troy from Community) and other extras, the show really doesn't focus on any other races and aspects of their problems. From a British point of view, this is very strange to see, understandable however.
Girls is shown from a very creative standpoint. The show as a whole is based on that 'indie-kid' lifestyle. It's extremely refreshing and finally allows there to be an actual television programme, rather than film, for the creative individuals, to watch and understand. This adds another refreshing element to the show that you wouldn't normally see. I feel as if it's the mid-twenties, American, toned down, version of Skins.
Although I strongly love this show and everything it stands for, I can't help but think that the show is only blowing up so big because it's the only one of it's kind. It has nothing else to compete with, therefore it has become the best. Saying that Girls is completely unique, from the soundtrack, characters, locations, clothing, to the overall production. Girls is the show, for all the 18-30 year old, hipsters and Tumblr kids out there.
(Disclaimer: Although I say that Girls is one of the most real and raw shows out right now, I don't mean that is exactly realistic, I just mean that it is the most real portrayal seen yet. I feel as if there are so many elements that are missing and other elements that are overzealous however it's one of the best things I have seen so far. You also have to consider, from a producers point of view, the show has to be entertaining enough to sell.)